As the gentle breeze of the morning hour caresses my face,
The majestic Lord bestows on me a morning kiss in a fragrance of awe,
Saying “awake my son and enjoy the creation of my hands”,
Life, gracious life, begotten of the Father in heaven,
As the Father fondly says; you exist because “I am” my son,
At this I embrace the vast universe, I ponder to understand,
All reasoning eludes me at the wonder of my God and Lord,
Love, overwhelming Love, in thee I was perfected,
Can this be true, I live, my soul is light,
Encrusted in His bosom, yet I search for Him,
The quiet still voice says, “be still, I am in you”,
“Feel me, enjoy my presence, I am with you,”
Blessed, oh my blessed God,
How can I love thee Father?
“Son love yourself, for I am in you”
“Son seek not Glory for I am your Glory”
“Seek not wealth for I am your wealth”
“We are one son, I am your heritage”
“I am in you and you in Me”
Father, who should I tell the world you are?
“I am Jesus the Christ, I live forever,”
How might I present you Lord to them?
“I am in you, go forth”
“As the Father sent me, I send you”
“Believe, you are called by my name,
Tarry a little while, I come quickly.”
Come Lord Jesus, Come.